Wednesday, August 18, 2004


I’m re-reading Pride and Prejudice. For the seventh time. This may be considered excessive. Perhaps it’s a disease. I can’t help myself. I laugh out loud at all my favorite phrases. I’m not bored. I can’t imagine a better time. But so much I haven’t read from classics to politics. And novels are terribly frivolous as that Persuasion heroine is persuaded. Re-reading a strange sickness to catch as I always wanted to read the library from A-Z, a feat possible in the Hunter local library. The summer I was ten I got up to the m’s of the juvenile section. As an adult section reader, I’m stuck in the A’s, unable to get through and leave behind Au. It’s gold. This illness could have dangerous complications. An obsession with unrealistic standards for wit and romance. Too late now. Damage was done the first time Mom read it to me. Which really means this is only the sixth time I’m reading it myself. Much better.