Thursday, September 02, 2004

I'm living with a Republican.

A registered Republican. Political discussions about global wars are probably not the best way to promote in-suite peace. But, help me. Education apparently isn't enough. Pride and prejudice rule. Prejudice against even organs of information, the Times, that known liberal rag of the liberal news media not to be trusted. Prejudice against Democrats corrupting the family, taking our hard earned money, caring too much for foreigners, and not protecting our country by sacrificing others and others' rights (don't think about our patriotic inactive own.) They'll take our money for silly things like primary care medicine, dentists, drug rehabilitation and perscription for elderly and poor people. There'll always be homeless people so funding homeless shelters, section eight housing, job training programs, and mental health services is just a waste. France and Germany were always out to get us, those elitist European snobs, so what if they don't like us now. We have our coalition of the willing. And every one in Guantonamo Bay is a terrorist, they'd destroy us in a second if they could (don't stop to wonder why), they need, deserve to be dealt with outside of Geneva Convention rules. They're not human. Are we?