Monday, September 06, 2004

Life is ridiculous,

I won't complain. Good thing I watched Dawson's Creek so at least I'm better prepared for plot twists and melodramatic bits. However, this dose of education has unfortunate chronic side effects. Perhaps I've congenital defects nurtured but not planted by bad shows. Nonetheless Dawson's and the mockery that is reality's version of t.v. is my morality. Play is the cold to catch. A hacking romantic longing, a whooping flippancy forever cropping up in what should be serious dialouge, and consumption with expectation of romance I suffer. And now after years of pre-teen patient waiting and watching, reality delivers t.v. type story lines. Perhaps I have a natural propensity to read my life and feel and write it in the style of the WB at it's best worst. Still, it's amazing how simply in pure plot to what degree life imitates... television. Life imitate an overblown, Tuesday night, teen drama where the characters speak with Vanity Fair language and glace with unsubtle desire or blatant ire at eachother? You doubt me. But from Jack's revelation in high school to Joey's freshman year call to Dawson from the bathroom to letting go to discovering she will make her own decisions and is ready to be the girl who goes to Paris. I'm ready to be the girl who goes to Paris or to Yale this year.

I'm ready by myself but not without help from home and here's home and heroes. Which is why, when one has wonderful friends who would do anything for one or even ones that just care enough to visit, one should be more careful. And allow the boring fact that much of this is fiction or the only truth I know. It's something seperate from journalistic reporting. More like a ranting, a railing, leaning on feeling, observing not strictly reasoning, prosing purposefully and inevitably tainted by a tongue of terrible character. Please see both the pilgrim and the poet. In particular, this past week I meant to attack a political party and instead attacked a good friend. I apologize. While there are important global issues, there are also local feelings that were neglected and are important to me.