Monday, July 18, 2005

First First Since Opening Day

Long game. Not at the top of their game. Pitching not pretty, but we won way to the top, temporarily. Anxiety involved. Scream when Bernie dropped the ball. "Cano!" called out yesterday in pain. "You're not Knoblauch!" I reminded his image after he threw the double play away and made Mariano get five outs in an inning. But then Mo was lights out tonight. Rangers put to sleep by the Sandman. Ecstatic those pets are dead. Happier than Joe on his birthday. I shake with as much enthusiasm as John's voice. And you look and laugh at us jumping up and down in too much joy or grief over a game. A game you think will go on without my heart poured into each pitch. Even I understand pleading with the screen did not cause Sierra to hit his single or stop Scott Proctor from losing the plate and losing two batters in a row. Even I understand fuss futile for one game in a strenuous season. First's not more than psychologically significant with the long slide to September still ahead. Still I surrender myself to somethings bigger, better, more beautiful than one person. Baseball. The Yankees.