Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Where I Am

and where I will be until August 19th, after the MCAT, in case you were wondering: lab, in the hood cutting open the ventral side of a live fish to manipulate the animal's own circulatory system (by inserting a tube in the very small three chambered, still pumping heart) to fix the brain with paraformaldehyde; lab, in the dark room bent over 60 micron thin slices of fish brain breathing in alpha-bungarotoxin and other unappealing antibodies and exotic chemicals; lab, on the confocal microscope which is just as cool as it sounds; the library at Einstein, studying with Jeffrey for the test I'd rather not name; behind closed doors, like the Tom Jones song, on weekends; and constantly, in my favorite place. In Paris. Figuratively. Figure it out. But I won't tell you about it because poets already have better than I could. In other words, the blog is busy. It misses you although the world is too full to talk about. So, see you on the flip side. Where frivolity recommences.